Can Physics Explain the Whole Universe Or Is There More?

Can Physics explain the whole Universe or is there more to it? The question that has been asked for years and years, century after century. Here’s a short writing on it to make you think.

The common room was drowned in the bottomless silence that fills places of human habitation only in the few hours before dawn. When the fears and needs of the day are long gone.

I listened to eerie hush as I filled the room with the echo of the water cooler filling my class with ice-cold liquid. My harsh gulps filled the room with something other than the hardly audible tree branch scraping against the far window.

I walked over to the window and sat in the lazy boy that accompanied a desk where I will continue my writing.

This time, in this silence was the only time I seemed able to write. A time when the world was shut off, the people all floating in a dark abyss letting go of one day, desperately clinging onto another.

The world seems stranger when I feel like I’m the only one in it. It feels deeper, more layers, more depth. Because although I am a man of science, who has been taught by hard logic and by a commitment to reason, I still am not inclined to accept that logic and reason, which are essential tools to anyone hoping to lead a full life, were sufficient to explain either the physical world or the human condition or experience itself.

There was more to this than just science and medicine. Than physics and mathematics.

As some people clearly weren’t, that’s why they ended up in places like this, this ward, I feel I am more fit to grasp or should I say embrace this cosmic experience for what it appears to be.

I am not one of those artists who finds inspiration in the despair and who finds stories in the chaos or disorder. Usually where I looked I found a purpose, a certain order to things. As if everything was created in exquisite design and was supposed to be exactly as it was. Even in the ugly I see the quick flash of humbling perfection. As if everything had a meaning.

I sensed the beauty and the rhythm not only in the order of everyday life but in the patterns of the paths I walk, the tree branches, in the mundane doings of a father washing his car, mom feeding her kids, or a rambunctious dog chasing a squirrel. In the noise of the harsh wind from storms, in the thunder itself, and the birds that take flight when danger is presented.
I see it in the kids playing on the playground or in the ants synchronously moving from place to place.

I see it in every aspect of the physical world in which unknown mystery was as indispensable a component as light and darkness, as time and space, as matter and energy.

Learn more about the cosmic world: Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World – Book 3

If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: