Some Of The Best Advice I Have Ever Received

inspirational quote spelled out with board game letter tiles

 I am going to go over some of the best advice I have ever received mostly because I truly believe these are things all of us should take to heart. It will only make our lives seem a little less chaotic as it sometimes feels.

I remember when I was a kid I had so many plans to live an exuberant life, one where I never had to worry about money like my parents sometimes did, one where I could eat out whenever I wanted or buy every cool new gadget that hit the market, or enough toys for my future kids that they wouldn’t know what do with.  

I still hear my Mom’s voice as she cooked dinner for the 7th time that week after working a 50 hour week “Nothing in life come’s easy Kayley, it takes hard work and dedication in order to get everything we want in life.” And I told her “I know, I am going to own my own business and I will make so much money, money will never be a problem.” 

“You know money doesn’t buy happiness right?” She asks me, but to my little kid mind, money bought ALL the happiness I needed.  

She asked me what sort of business I planned on owning and at that young age I had no answer for her, I just knew I never wanted to worry about money. She said “Don’t you think we all plan to have it all when we get older? Nobody wants to live an average life, we all want a bunch of money and the freedom to travel the world and eat all the fancy foods we want, and all the expensive clothes and things, only some attain it and I know you have the potential to do so, just remember this conversation and remember that nothing good comes easy, you will have to put in long hours and a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end when you are living the life you always wished of.” 

“It won’t be that hard” I told her, “I’m smart, I’ll figure it out. Maybe I’ll invent something really cool and become a millionaire.” I joked around telling my sisters “Don’t worry you guys could live in my mansion one day when I’m rich.”  

Well, folks, I am certainly not living the life I always expected to live. My mom was right, it takes a lot of hard work and mostly dedication, you got to stick with it and man does life get in the way sometimes. And us humans come up with a thousand different excuses until we end up just settling for an average life and tell ourselves we are fine with that. 

There is nothing wrong with an “average” life but of course we all dream of not having to worry about money. Not having to check prices on anything at the grocery store or use coupons or have a budget would be ideal for us all I think.  

I’m writing this post because I just want to briefly go over some of the best advice I have ever heard. Some of the advice I heard later on in life and wish I had heard it earlier. So, even if this advice helps one person out there it will make me a happy person.  

Listen more than you speak 

Nobody likes to feel like they are being a burden by talking about something that is affecting them, we all want to be listened to. Don’t brush others problem away because to you they seem small or insignificant, we all want to be heard. Really heard. Don’t just listen to the words coming out of someone’s mouth, really listen. Empathize. Listen so you can understand and relate. Put yourself in their shoes, try to open to your heart and understand how you would feel if you were in the same position.  

Get out of your comfort zone 

Life is not meant to always be comfortable. There are many things that make us feel uneasy and out of place. Life is full of unpleasantries such as death, disruption, negativity. We can’t possibly avoid all of the things that make us feel out of sorts. Take that chance and get out of where you feel safe, take a risk and see where you end up. The worst that may happen is you going back to your comfort zone and being exactly where you were before you took that chance. Take it!  

Stop getting worked up over made up scenarios in your head 

It is not worth it to think about the what if’s or should have’s or would have’s. Focus on the right now and make a change if that’s what you want. There is no changing the past, there is only moving forward and making the choices you need to in order to live in the future you wish you attain.  

When you know better, do better 

Learn from your mistakes and listen to your gut when it’s telling you not to do something that may be wrong. It is not worth the turmoil it will bring and if you have the choice to choose the right path opposed to the wrong one, choose the right one every time. Your future self will thank you.  

Always be humble and kind 

We are all human beings. All on this journey of life. Be kind to everyone you cross paths with, you never know what someone may be going through in life. We should all be on the same page. Even if you come into a lot of money or luxiorious things, don’t put yourself on at the top of the totem pole and everyone else below you. We all should be lending a helping hand not pushing each other off the ladder to get to the top first.  

Never forget where you came from. Never forget what good things people have done for you or the sacrifices they made doing so. Never forget to say thank you. Never forget that the world does not and never will revolve all around you.  

Your life is your responsibility, take accountability 

There is only one person who you have control of in this world and that is yourself. You can not change how other people feel or react to certain situations but you can control how you feel or act. You can not change what people may have done to you in the past but you can change how you allow it to affect you throughout your life. You can allow things to bring you into a negative spiral and live your life in remorse and anger or you can learn from your experiences and allow them to shape you into a better you.  

When you make a mistake, as well all do because we are only human, take accountability, own up to it, fix it if it’s still possible, if not, learn from it and don’t make the same mistake again.  

If you are doing something you love and giving it your all, it will bring you places

Stay dedicated and motivated, work hard, and don’t give up just because you don’t see immediate results. Hard work and dedication is the difference between the people who make it and the people who end up settling for a life they never wanted. Things may take time but good things are worth the time and the stress it may take to get there. Just stay realistic and know your limits.  

Lend a helping hand whenever it is possible to do so

We all need a little help sometimes, we all need a kind shoulder to lean on including ourselves so whenever you have the opportunity to help someone, do so. Even if it’s something as little as giving someone directions or letting someone know their car door is open. If you can help someone in any way, do it. Help spread kindness instead of hate.  

If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: 

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