Which You Wish To Achieve You Must First Mentally Conceive

composition of buddha statues on marble stand

There is a dynamic law in Metaphysics which states: That which you wish to achieve you must first mentally conceive. Anthony Norvell, author of MetaphysicsNew Dimensions of the Mind, in his study, calls it: The Art of Premonstration. You may want to achieve the building of a million dollar fortune, and you may feel that you cannot be happy until and unless you do attain such a fortune. It is almost impossible for your mind to conceive such a large sum of money, unless you use the Art of Premonstration first, he says.

There are five separate steps which you must take to invoke the Art of Premonstration: 

1. Picture clearly in your mind the thing you wish to demonstrate or achieve.  

2. Make a “blueprint” of the thing or things you are trying to achieve; that is review it in all its details in your mind first; then sit down and write out the plan in detail.  

3. Sit quietly in silence and ask the higher mind within the steps you should take to achieve the things you are asking for.

4. Now visualize yourself doing these things, as if a mental motion picture were being projected on a giant screen in the outer world. This is Premonstration; seeing the thing in your mind before it actually takes place in the outer world.  

5. Demonstration follows Premonstration; that is, the things you have been mentally projecting are acted out in your life, just as though they had actually occurred. Demonstration is the fifth and final step of Premonstration.  

A True-Life Case History

Let us examine a true-life case of the Art of Premonstration which occurred to a student of Norvell, who attended his lectures and classes at Carnegie Hall. 

A lady, past forty years of age, was tired of living in a small apartment in the city. Her husband worked in New York and made a good salary. They could not afford to move to a home of their own in the suburbs. They both wanted a home more than anything else in the world.  

After the lady had come to several of his classes, she learned of the Art of Premonstration, and she went home and proceeded with confidence to take the five steps he have given above for achieving the dream she and her husband conceived. 

There did not seem to be any way open for this couple to achieve their dream of owning their own home. They had only a few thousand dollars saved up; they had no children, and the lady did not work. How could they possibly achieve the fulfilment of their dream? 

First, they say down and discussed the type of home they wanted. Then they cut up pictures out of home magazines which pictured the house more clearly; these pictures they put into a large album titled: Our Scrapbook Destiny. 

Then after they had pasted all the pictures in their scrapbook, they sat down and wrote out a full blueprint or plan of how many rooms the house would have, the type of yard, the location they would like, and they both read this description over everyday and visualised the house in all it’s details.  

The next step, number three, they both sat in the silence for half an hour each night, asking for guidance as to what they should do to demonstrate the house they desired.  

Step four was spent in discussions and daydreams, in which they visualised themselves entertaining their friends at small dinner parties in their own home. They began to feel that they had already found the house; that they had moved into it; they began to mentally furnish the house; they window-shopped and picked little items for the various rooms, and acted as though the dream were already a reality.  

Then began the actual quest for the house. The higher mind within, which they asked for guidance, led them to search the real estate sections of the daily papers. They saw nothing matching their mental dream house, but one day a friend told them of a home in the country that belonged to a recent widow, who wanted to sell and go to Europe to live. The couple rushed to New Jersey to see this home; it was the dream house they had pictured in every detail! But the lady wanted twenty-five thousand dollars cash! They had only three thousand dollars in the bank. In talking to the widow, however, they were so enthusiastic and their dream was projected so vividly that before the interview ended, she offered to let them move into the house without any payment whatsoever, if they would take over the first mortgage and pay her two hundred and fifty dollars a month. This was the exact amount they paid each month for rent and so they accepted the deal. A extra little dividend was added to the purchase of the house; the widow let them have her furnishings for two thousand dollars cash. They were easily worth ten thousand dollars! 

You Can Do It Too

Every single one of us is capable of using this mental imagery to bring about the things we want in life. There has been studies that prove that mental imagery or rehearsal in sports is just as beneficial as actually practising the sport. When players mess up their throw, or catch they redirect it so that next time they don’t make the same mistake.

We all can use this mental imagery or premonstration in every aspect of our lives. We can prepare for a meeting, practice how we want our posture, tone of voice and demeanor to be. We can picture where we see ourselves in a few years down the road and follow this imagery in our minds religiously as if it is set in stone and ours to take. Our subconscious mind will help with the means, as we continue to focus on the end goal. It is ours to take! And we must believe that.

Spend some time every day picturing exactly what it is you want when it comes to your relationship, your job, your living environment, your attitude, or whatever else it may be. Picture yourself in that place, as that person. Writing a list helped for me. I wrote down the few things I wish to have in the next few years and every time I have a few moments to get inside my mind, I focus on one of them at a time and repeat the same thing over and over. And then I start to imagine myself in that position, I even catch myself smiling from time to time as if I feel how I would actually feel if this goal became reality. In my mind I feel like it is a reality, therefore the emotions come with it.

Do this every day and do not get discouraged when you do not see results because everything takes time. It may take years but the key is to genuinely believe in the process. The power of our minds are so much stronger than you may know. Our minds and the positivity we put out in the Universe will gradually guide us towards the goals we wish to achieve. Repeat, repeat, repeat! And believe!

No corny, hippy stuff here, I genuinely do believe that the power mind is the greatest gift we have been given as humans. There is so much more going on in there than we know. Our minds store every single thing we have ever heard, seen or thought. Sometimes we forget things until something triggers that memory, but it’s all there! We have a memory box inside our minds that are absorbing everything going on around us.

Our minds learn right from wrong by realizing its past mistakes and redirecting course to not make the same mistakes again.

Our minds are elastic in the sense that we are able to bend and twist them however we please. Just because we believe or think one way, does not mean we can not train our minds to think another. We can train our minds to go the positive route instead of the usual negative one it tends to turn to in situations, if only we program it to think that way.

For example if we wake up with a sense of dread every time we have to go to work because let’s say a colleague or boss makes us feel inadequate: we can tell ourselves daily that we are all human, he/she is no better than me just because they try to make me think so, something must have happened to them to make them so angry and bitter, it is not me they look down on but instead themselves, I will not let them get to me because I know my worth.

If you tell yourself these things everyday you will start to show it on the outside. You won’t coward down in front of them or stew on it in your office for hours, wondering what you are doing wrong. Instead it won’t even cross your mind because you have trained your mind to believe you are equal and no less competent than them. Eventually you will laugh at yourself for ever letting something like that bother you.

We choose how we live. We have the ability to feel and be exactly how we want to. Our minds are capable of wonders you would not believe. Almost makes me think that our collective consciousness or energy is what ‘God’ is. We are almost getting to a point where we can create a life inside of a incubator. We also have created many different simulations of the very life we live in now. Whose to say we haven’t done this all before and us humans have created this world we live in now and we will do it all again and move our species over to Mars and then the next planet and next one?

Okay, I’m getting carried away here obviously but guys, seriously take advantage of the power of that mind of yours! If we are capable of all these great wonders we see around us everyday, we are surely capable of training our minds to think, react, and do exactly what we teach them to, in order to get whatever it is we want, or be whoever it is we want in life.

If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: