Why Does Life Feel Like A Charade?

Have to you ever found yourself out in public asking yourself why does life feel like a charade? I have more than once. Sometimes it just seems all so played out and fake. Like right now I’m sitting at a bar and just observing the scene around me..

Nerds on the left of me talking scholarly things, trying to out smart each other, lonely guy on the right probably trying to escape his thoughts, 3 loud mouths at the table behind him, probably trying to escape their wives. A girl alone picking at her nails, on her third gin and tonic, hair in tangles, lipstick on as if she tried to cover up the mess that she is. Group of teenagers all trying to be someone they’re not. One nerdy kid playing some sort of video game on his laptop. A family of 6 making awkward small talk as if they have never met before.  

Sitting at the bar is sad sometimes..life is sad sometimes. It all seems so fake. So played out. This isn’t what makes us happy is it? Its when we are alone in our comfort zone that we are fully happy isn’t it ?  

It all seems like we are trying to keep up.. To play the game. Its exhausting and unfortunate because with this grand feeling inside of me telling me something profound… I know there’s gotta be something more than this. This is not what its all about and I hope one day, even if its when we are dead and gone, that we realize this.  

Characters. Characters everywhere. Everyone so in tune with their own rhythms, their own beat. The loud ones, the eccentric ones, the shy ones or tired ones, the lazy ones or the ones who never sleep. All with a story.  

I sit down and I try to create these characters on paper but words can’t full describe how a person can make you feel or how their energy can light up a room. Or the opposite. Those people who make you feel on edge and like you need to hide a part of yourself while around them. Then there’s those mysterious ones which you can’t really put your finger on, but something seems off about them.  

Just like certain places make us feel safe and comforted, there are people who bring this same feeling and those are my favourite kind of people. The ones who make you stop questioning, if even for just 

a moment, the inescapable insecurities that come to us all, “Is this enough and will it ever be?” Those people who help turn off the insipid thoughts and just let us just feel, and be. Those are the people who deserve it all.  

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If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: