A Letter To The Old School From The Newer Generation

As the old school gets mad, claiming our generation to be constantly offended or complaining about something we will continue to turn our heads to their close-minded, egotistical and arrogant values. 

They are fighting a losing battle with themselves.. We are not here to hold grudges over the discrepancies of the past but instead see what we could do moving forward. 

We complain but not always for the wrong reasons.. Yes, the past is in the past and there is no returning there, but we just wish you all had set us up for a better world while you were there. But we’re past that, we’re not judging because I guess you didn’t know any better.  

But don’t be bitter that we do.. We are younger but so much wiser these days, we grew up with information readily accessible at our fingertips 24/7.  

Mind you, half the information we have access to is useless and could have a negative affect on an individual. But that is just it, we feel so deeply and so passionately because we have experienced the pain and sorrow and even happiness of all the people through the information or stories we have read online.  

 Other people’s art, self destruction, sadness or joy are forms of inspiration, a way to teach us more about the human mind, state of the heart and soul and human condition as a whole. We live vicariously through each other. 

We are connected on a higher level. We created an outlet for our own bubble of creativity, of expressing ourselves.  Something you never had the privilege of having. 

Imagine all the people who kept waiting on one day to go and heighten their education, maybe read more, maybe find a hobby, but then end up dying before they do so.  

It is so easy to say we will get to the library, we will try to learn new things but then before we know it today’s gone, tomorrows here, time has passed and the future is right here and now. And we never went to the library. 

You die with your ideas still in you. With an unsolved puzzle inside your mind, you pathed no way to self discovery but instead entrapment.  

As you’re there dying you will realize that you never really lived at all. And that will terrify you. 

All the things you could have thought, ideas you could have had, revelations that could have been reached. Beauty that could have been created. All still trapped inside of you. 

 All because you gave in and followed suite for societies definition of success. 

 All because you sold yourself.  

I am sorry to the ones who sold yourself so long ago and blocked the road that brings you back.  

I am sorry you never knew what this place was all about while you still could have.  

I am sorry that the gift you received for selling yourself never ended up being what you wanted or even needed.  

I am sorry the wrapping paper on that gift seemed a different shade years ago than it does today.  

I am sorry you fell for it.  

But thank-you for going through it so, we don’t have to. 

Thank-you for showing us what we don’t want out of life.  

And for teaching us how to love each other when you seemed to neglect our new age ideologies and preferences.  

Thank you for teaching us that passion is more important than a paycheck or a name for yourself. 

That human connection is more important than material things. 

It is in the face of an elderly man on his death bed that I’ve learnt some things.. 

The sorrow at the end is a different kind of sorrow altogether and it is in that pain that I seen the sheer terror and shame of not living an adequate enough life. 

For not reaching the full potential of being the extraordinary person they could had been and shame for shutting out that person when the Universe was giving them clear signs, a way. 

The disappointment of not using the great wonders of the Universe that was at their fingertips while they had the chance. 

It’s funny how the signs are ignored for some people until those last moments.  

Thank- you though for allowing us to realize these signs earlier on so that we did not ignore them, but hear the Universe telling us that we have the capacity for greatness and that there is genius in all of us. 

We will not ignore these signs.  We will be extraordinary, magnificent human beings that will one day find our way to home.