Examples That Prove How Powerful Our Minds Really Are

Us humans seem to spiral through the positive and the negative emotions more often then we need to. We all at some point seem to find the need to hit the self-destruct button. Even when everything has been going good, a lot of us find some excuse to tell ourselves we don’t deserve it, or we could never accomplish what we set out to do so in the first place. But most people do not realise that we literally imprison ourselves because we live in a consciousness of limitation, one of barrenness.

Since learning about Metaphysics, I have been focusing on learning how to be more aware of the other levels of consciousness that us as humans possess and are able to access, if only we believe and put in the effort. Most people live on the first level of consciousness their whole lives. According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour. Like an iceberg, the most important part of the mind is the part you cannot see. Our feelings, motives and decisions are actually powerfully influenced by our past experiences, and stored in the unconscious.

Real Life Examples That Prove The Power We Hold Within Our Minds

In metaphysics we learn that there is a fourth-dimensional power plane that can give one super-normal powers of the body and mind. It is in this fourth dimension that humans can perform seeming miracles. All of the great teachers, mystics, genius’ of the past knew about this fourth-dimension, and by tapping the vast storehouse of power that resides in all of us, they have been able to rise above the limitations of time and space and achieve miraculous results.  

The term “Metaphysics” was created by Andronicus of Rhodes, who edited Aristotle’s philosophical works. It is the section of philosophy that focused with matters beyond and physical and material planes of existence he called Metaphysics, from two Greek words, “Meta” and “Physika,” which means literally that which is above and beyond the realm of physical.  

You ever get that feeling that you know something is about to happen? It could be something as tiny as someone on the job walking away from their desk frustrated and you know exactly what it is they are frustrated about and you go fix the problem for them before they even get back. Just some kind of intuition or the small physic ability we all seem to possess at times.  

You may have a gut feeling that you should not go somewhere and more often than not you were right. There was a car wreck on the road that day or a malfunction on the train you were going to take. Or even something as little as seeing someone flustered because they forgot exactly the point of what they were about to say and somehow your brain knows exactly what that person is about to say. Even if you haven’t talked to them yet that day. Maybe their brain let go of the idea or thought and yours picked it up somehow? I am not sure but I know we all have a little bit of physic ability. We have something inside of us that is working without our attention or direction necessarily.

We have forces that are being put to work in our brains every second of every day. For example, when our body heals itself from a wound, there is some force inside that is willing it to do so. There is a force that regulates our body functions, such as breathing, circulation of the blood, digestion, repairing the body and the other automatic functions.  

Within your human brain there are miracle response centers which operate on a higher frequency or wave length than the ordinary, everyday centers which regulates our bodies functions. The all-knowing intelligence which man calls God, has put into His universe the power of the universe everything that man needs for existence. For example, take a look at how this power works in nature: 

A beaver knows by instinct how to cut down trees, cut them into small enough sections to stack them and make a dam across a stream because the knowledge was inborn in the beaver. In the book meta-physics: New Dimensions of the mind by Anthony Norvell, he explains that scientists took two beavers into their home for observation. They decided to leave the beavers alone while they went out for the evening. When they returned they seen that the beavers had carefully cut off the legs to the wooden tables and chairs and dragged the pieces of wood to a corner where they created a dam for an imaginary stream. It is because a beaver knows no other away of life than constructing dams, so no matter the place, they will find a way to do so by instinct.  

A spider as well, knows how to web an geometric web and he also knows to wait in it for is prey. A bee knows how to take essences from a flower and turn it into to digestible honey for their young. And while it is taking essences from flower to flower, mankind is benefited as fruits and flowers are being pollinated. A miracle of creative productivity. Ants know how to work together in unison to create a stable shelter and sustainable living for themselves. Everything in nature has some sort of order to it. 

Three Planes Of Consciousness

Real Life Examples That Prove The Power We Hold Within Our Minds

I have learned that there are three planes of consciousness that we all possess. To fully develop our metaphysical power potentials we must know how to reach the miracle response centres which we possess within our own consciousness. All of the great men and women in history who achieved great things had this ability to release the power mind in creative activity. The three minds are: 

  • The conscious mind
  • The subconscious mind
  • The cosmic/ super conscious mind

The conscious mind is the storehouse of human memory. It is here that all awareness begins. This plane is important because it concerns things such as: food, shelter, clothing, money, jobs, love, friends and comforts. Without this plane of consciousness there would be no physical or material existence so there is nothing wrong with living on it but some people live entirely on it and their lives can become warped and unbalanced.  

The subconscious mind is the storehouse of pre-conscious memory. Controls our automatic processes and is the source of dreams, instincts, memories, emotional awareness and belief systems.

The cosmic or super conscious mind is the storehouse of cosmic memory. Associated with the collective unconsciousness, it is the source of higher potential, creativity, intuition, quantum reality, and spiritual awareness. The super conscious is accessed through the pineal gland, or the 3rd eye. I will talk more about these second and third planes in a different post.

Most people we will encounter in our lives only operate entirely on the conscious mind, stuck only on one plane of consciousness their whole lives. “They live a one dimensional life, purely material and physical. They lack sensitivity to the higher pulsations of the universe and their lives are usual lived in unhappiness, poverty, limitations. These are the people who settle for a job with a small income the rest of their lives. They rarely broaden their horizons of consciousness by exploring the wonders of the universe.” Says Anthony Norvell.  

These are the kind of people you hear blaming everyone else for why they don’t have enough. They blame the lack of resources or opportunities in the world. Their lives lack excitement, are mundane and they are stuck in the cycle of despair and repetition so they complain about how dull life is. Little do they realise that they are the only ones creating these prisons for themselves. Prisons that they will be confined to for a lifetime if it isn’t for them waking up a little bit.  

You can create a prison or a palace

In Norvells book he explains a story of a man who was sentenced to prison who was to bunk with another man and when he arrived to their rat infested, cement cell, seen his cellmate sitting at a desk writing something, he said to him “What a miserable place! surely I will die here.” The other man looked up from his writing and asked “How long is your sentence?” The other prisoner replied, “Six months. Surely I cannot survive in this wretched cell!” 

The other man smiled and said “I have been here twelve years.” Then he returned to his writing of Pilgrim’s Progress. The man was Bunyan, and he was writing his book that gave courage and inspiration to millions.  

The new prisoner was living purely in the consciousness of limitation and seen only a miserable cell that he could not imagine residing in for the next six months. While Bunyan was living on the fourth-dimensional plane of the Higher Cosmic Mind, where he created his own world and rose above the limitations of his environment.  

“You can create a prison or a palace in the unlimited dimension of your higher consciousness. When you once discover this secret for rising above the limitations of time and space, which all the great ones of history have known, you will be able to perform seeming miracles and transcend your environment and rise above your limitations.”  

We are all put onto this earth unknowingly, we learn fairly early in life what is right and wrong, we gain a sense of values and morals, we are told what to do to become successful which we are told will bring happiness. So, we follow the path we feel supposed to. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and end up limiting ourselves in life by accepting these seeming limitations of material and physical conditions in which we exist. There will always be interference’s in life, obstacles that seem to be stuck in place, problems and downfalls, it is part of human destiny. We would never learn from mistakes, grow strong, and learn to rise above the limitations of life without these disturbances. “Sometimes through misfortune or handicaps, we are literally pushed into the mainstream of life’s turbulence and we must sink or swim. It is in such times that man must soar into the realm of the cosmic dimension and grow wings of the soul so he may rise above his limitations.” Says Norvell. 

Change “I can’t” to “I can”

Norvell explains a story of man he met who has “Born to Lose” tattooed on his right arm. Norvell started up a conversation with the man who began to tell him about his life story of disappointments and defeats, one after another, after another. When the man was young his father had deserted their family, his mother started drinking and he never knew any security as a child. The man ran away from home at an young age and also started to drink excessively. He lost job after job, until he scored a job as a seaman and one night, drunk and lonely, he got the tattoo “Born to Lose.”  

The man explained that from that time on his bad luck increased and he told Norvell that he was doomed by fate from the moment he was born to an existence of misery and poverty.  

Little did the man know that it was his own conscious mind that was the cause of the misery and misfortune. “Affirmative power is created by giving yourself conscious suggestions which lodge in the miracle response center of your mind and produce the equivalents of that which you affirm.” Change your statements of I can’t to I can. Change I won’t to I will. Trust me, you will see the difference. And if you don’t see results right away, don’t give up, be consistent and reap the rewards, trust me.  

You know those times when you were a kid and you tried something new, like rollerblading or bowling and you could not seem to get the hang of it like all your friends? You see them doing it with no effort so you assumed you could do it just as easily but when you couldn’t you sort of got discouraged and told yourself you weren’t good enough to do it? Add in the kids that might tease you because of it, it is easy to convince your conscious brain that you are not capable of it. It then makes it so much harder, almost impossible to accomplish what it is you set out to do. 

Then there are those times when you pick up the bowling ball, just playing around, not putting much conscious thought into it and all of a sudden you can do it. Now you are convinced you are better than you thought so your conscious mind goes to this is easier than I thought, and it becomes easier and easier. If you kept telling yourself I can do this, it’s a simple task. I am capable and I will get the ball down the lane without it hitting the gutter then it would make it that much easier to do so.  

The mind is a very powerful thing and it can either work for us or against us as a positive mechanism or a negative one, depending on what we feed it. I think we all have experienced first hand the long-term emotions or feelings we attach to specific situations as a result of what someone may have done to us in the past, or what they said to us. These experiences and words stick in our subconscious and we allow them to dictate how we feel in certain situations. When in fact, we do have the power to change how we feel, think and therefore act.

Since I have been reading more about the power of our minds, when to comes to metaphysics especially, I have been amazed at the opportunities we as humans haven’t been taking advantage of.

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If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts:

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