What Are The Magic Keys Of Desire?

Desire As a Dominant and Divine Emotion 

Desire is a powerful emotion within your brain. It is able to set up magnetic wave-lengths which reach out into time and space and structure the very things that are desired for fulfillment and growth. 

The cactus plant isolated in the desert must have moisture to live. In ita desire for moisture, the plant sends its roots deep into the desert sand and causes it to attract any moisture that exists below the surface of the soil. Many a desert traveler, dying of thrist, has been saved because he knew that the cactus plant has a reservoir of life-giving moisture within its leaves, and vg cutting leaves open and drinking it, he lived.  

Your emotions, working through the Master Key Desire, can set up wave-lengths of magnetism to attract to you all the elements you require for a healthy, happy, successful life.  

Let us learn more about this Master Key which all the great teachers and prophets have used since time immemorial to produce their great miracles. The reason why such great teachers as Mosses, Buddha, Confucius, and Christ were called Masters, is because they had completely mastered life by knowing of and controlling this Master Key Emotion and Desire. 

“Ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” Also: “what things soever ye desire  when ye pray, believe that ye reciece them, and ye shall have them.” 

This is why, in my teachings of Metaphysics  I have named Desire the Divine Emotion. It is the Master Key that helps us work the miracles which the Master promised we could also do. “And greater works than these shall do.” 

If you believe this statement literally, then you are on the way to performing miracles in your own life which will astound you.  

What Things Do You Desire?

Before you can ask the miracle working power that dwells within your Divine mind for some specific thing, you must be able to formulate your desires into language that is definite and be shown how to make out a blueprint of destiny which can help you consolidate and concentrate these through your emotions. 

  1. Desire for a better life. 
  2. Desire for good health, youth and vitality. 
  3. Desire for success, fulfillment, and riches. 
  4. Desire for happiness. 
  5. Desire for friends and social recognition. 
  6. Desire for love, marriage, children, a home. 
  7. Desire for cultural achievement. 
  8. Desire for the right work and creative expression. 
  9. Desire for spiritual and cultural fulfillment. 
  10. Desire for high moral and idealistic aspirations. 

A truly balanced and perfect life should contain all of the above ten desires, fully expressed in all departments of your life. It is when one or more of these elements is missing that one feels a sense of incompletion and unhappiness is his life.  

Emotions, the building blocks of desire 

Positive emotions                           

  • Faith                                                  
  • Love 
  • Hope 
  • Expectation 
  • Enthusiasm 
  • Anticipation 
  • Self-confidence 
  • Chairty 
  • Goodness 
  • Unselfishness 

Negative emotions 

  • Hate 
  • Fear 
  • Worry 
  • Jealousy 
  • Envy 
  • Revenge 
  • Resentment 
  • Despair 
  • Avariciousness 
  • Discouragement 

How to use positive emotions or charge your mind constructively 

You can use the ten positive emotions to charge your mind with dynamic energy and to instill within your body cells the life-force which will keep you healthy, vital and youthful into an advanced old age. In fact, through this Metaphysical method of implementing the Master Key of desire with the positive and constructive emotions, you can learn how to live to a useful, creative and energetic old age of one hundred years or more. Some of the Masters of the Himalayas who have learned this great secret have been known to live to be as much as two hundred years of age. With our modern scientific study of Geriatrics, which has to do with the processes of aging it has been found that if we could entirely remove the poisons and fatigue acids caused by the negative emotions and insulate the mind and body only with positive emotions, man could live to an incredible old age. 

The body has the ability to repair itself perfectly, but it must use the chemicals and elements which flow from the glands or which we take into the body through the foods we eat. Our thoughts and emotions help set the stage, chemically speaking, for the glands to release valuable chemicals for the body’s perfect functioning. If the emotions are negative, they poison the body cells and make possible disease and the aging process.  

How to achieve a better life 

First, let us take each of the Magic Keys of desire, and use them to open channels for the fulfillment of that which you desire.  

Everyone has a right to the best life has to offer. However, there is no guarantee that you will receive this until and unless you first will yourself to believe that a better life is possible.  

 This will require the use of several positive emotions. Let us check our list of positive emotions now and choose those which will help stimulate the brain and body and release the energy and magnetism necessary to lead you to a better life.  

The better life includes security, peace of mind, and fulfillment of your innermost dreams and desires. 

The first emotion you should tap into is that of Faith, number one on our list of positive emotions.  

Faith is literally a miracle worker. The Master Jesus once said “He that believeth on me the works that I do shall ye do also. And greater works than these shall ye do.”(John 14:12) 

This is a powerful statement of Faith, If you literally believe in the miracle-working power of your higher Divine Mind, nothing shall be impossible for you to achieve. You might think that this is limited, but actually it is not. You might say, “But if I wanted to become President of The United States, or have ten million dollars, it would be impossible.” Actually you do not really believe it is possible, there you do not have faith. 

The dynamic law of expectation 

This brings us to another important emotion for achieving the better life that you desire: this is our fourth emotions on our list: expectation.  

Do you really expect a better life in the future? Or do you constantly spend time and energy bewailing the past, and regretting the mistakes you made in the past? One man I knew in California lost his chance to become wealthy in early days by practically giving away his property on Wilshire Boulevard. After the Second World War, this property sold for millions. He kept regretting his mistake and talking about it constantly. One day I found some undeveloped land in San Fernando Valley, where he began a housing development that made him a vast fortune. The same mental energy he was dissipating with negative emotions, when converted into positive emotions, made him rich. 

What other positive emotions on this might be tapped to bring a better life? 

Enthusiasm is a needed ingredient in any success, Self-confidence must exist within the mind of any person who wishes to succeed in any venture. There must be the motion of Goodness; the desire to good for others and to be good. This is a chemical force within the brain and body that is positive and dynamic. There should be unselfishness; a desire to share your good with others. It can be seen now that all these emotions help implement the Master of Desire and direct the mental and physical energies in the direction of bettering your life.  

All of this information above is from the book Metaphysics: New Dimensions of the Mind by Anthony Norvell.

If you are interested in learning more about Metaphysics and more about what Anthony Norvell can teach us in his book Metaphysics: New Dimensions of The Mind, check out the category on my site called The Potential We have. Or if you want to check out his books about Metaphysics I’ll make it easier for you guys with these links:

If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: 

4 thoughts on “What Are The Magic Keys Of Desire?

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