How To Increase Daily Productivity In Order to Reach Your Goals Faster

mug watch and planner book on brown wooden surface

Life Distracts Us From Ourselves

It’s so easy to get distracted in life, to drift away from our goals and dreams. We make excuses for why there isn’t any time for a mere dream that may or may not, one day become something.

A lot of us plan strategically how to get the job done, even as much as writing daily goals and planners for how to get started. After doing the research, taking the notes, and figuring out what it is we need it to do to get it done, it becomes a chore and no longer a passion it seems. It becomes so overwhelming and we compare ourselves to the other people doing the same thing as us but seemingly so much better at it. It seems to be so easy for others, while it is only increasingly frustrating and a lot of hard work with no progress for some of us, so we don’t try as hard because we assume we will never make it far anyway.

So, again we go and distract ourselves with social media, television, drinking or drugs, companionship, or whatever else. We tell ourselves we did enough for the day, tomorrow we will make more progress. As we say the same thing again, and again until, as sad as it is, a lot if us give up.

Imagine all the people who kept waiting on one day to go school or the library to heighten their education, maybe read more, or pursue that goal, turn that hobby into a business, invent that thing that would change the way people live in one way or another, but end up dying before they do so.

It is so easy to say we will get to the library, we will try to learn new things but then before we know it todays gone, tomorrows here, time has passed and the future is right here and now. And we never went to the library. We die with our ideas still in us. With an unsolved puzzle inside our minds, we pathed no way to self discovery but instead entrapment.

All the things we could have thought, ideas we could have had, revelations that could have been reached. Beauty that could have been created, all still trapped inside of us.

Every single one of us has the ability to reach potentials higher than we could fathom.
Everyone of us have a “life instinct” which is always working towards happiness, health, well-being and all that makes life better for the individual. Works for you, through the “Creative Mechanism.” Which could be used correctly and be a “Success Mechanism,” or incorrectly and be a “Failure Mechanism.”

The new science of cybernetics has showed us that our minds work like a machine, as long as we have a clear cut goal in mind, it helps guide us towards that goal. Cybernetics has provided us with proof that the subconscious mind is not a “mind” at all, but a mechanism–a goal striving “servo-mechanism” consisting of brain and nervous system, used and directed by the mind. Man does not have two minds but a mind or a consciousness that operates an automatic goal-striving machine. It functions similar to the way that electronic servo-mechanisms function, as far as basic principles are concerned. Our minds just a more complex mechanism.

Author Sidney Madwed says, “Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes, and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think eventually will manifest in our lives.”

Our minds are like machines

Our servo-mechanisms or “machines” work for us or against us, depending on what goals we set for it. Like any other servo-mechanism, it must have a clear cut goal, objective or “problem” to work on. Our mechanism works best with seeking to achieve goals through mental imagery. Mental images or pictures that we create with our imagination. Our mechanism works on data and information we feed into it.

So, if we are constantly mentally picturing the exact goals we have in mind and clearly seeing ourself achieving those goals, vividly imagining how we would feel if we did so, our servo-mechanisms will constantly be in play in helping us towards those goals. And the biggest thing to remember is having a positive self-image. If you don’t see yourself as the confident, go-better, boss ass person who could do great things, than your goals will be so much further away.

The self image is a premise, a foundation upon which your entire personality, your behavior, and even your circumstances are built. This is why our experiences seem to verify, and thereby, strengthen our self-images and the cycle is set up. Positive or negative, depending on the view we have of ourselves. Who we believe ourselves to be.

For example if someone sees themselves as a failure because they failed a math test, and instead of saying “I failed” they say “I’m a failure,” then if their report card proves them right, they now have proof and will identify with their failure and the cycle continues unless they look at themselves and their experiences differently.

Someone who keeps telling themselves that they are unlikeable, and boring will find that colleagues and schoolmates may avoid asking them to gatherings or dinners. When you constantly tell yourself who you are, you start to act on it. If you tell yourself you’re unlikeable, you most likeable will send off an unconscious hostility, and you accept rejection because it’s what you are expecting.

If you are constantly boosting your confidence up, telling yourself you have so much to bring to the table, that you are great asset, and a team player, you will find yourself with people being attracted to your hard work and positivity.

The center point of our servo-mechanisms is the self-image. It prescribes the “area of possible.” Our mechanism works on data and information we feed into it (our thoughts, beliefs, interpretations).

Easy and achievable ways of working on self-image

• Spend twenty to thirty minutes a day sitting in silence with your eyes close and mentally picture yourself as the poised, confident person you want to be.

• In your minds eye picture yourself walking with your shoulders back, chin up, with a confident walk. Picture yourself walking into rooms with people in them, and keeping your confident demeanour even as you speak. 

• Practice being a confident, nerve-less person in specific situations, such as public speech, or a business meeting. Practice doing these things with ease in your own bedroom. Become an actor, keep acting it out every day until your mind accustoms itself to the cycle and you are this person wherever you go.

• Have a daily saying such "father within, I now ask for divine guidance in all of my activities today, tomorrow, and all the days to come. I have faith in the father within and now place myself at the divine centre of all that is good and constructive. I ask to stay confident all day, to be inspired and to stay focused. I know I can accomplish all it is I set my mind to. I am now the centre of divine guidance and everything I do will be prompted by the higher divine mind within me."  Say this, or something of your choice once or more a day. Train your mind to understand your potential.

Mental Picturing

Once you have the confident self-image you need in order to succeed in literally anything else in life, you’re ready to start mentally imagining your specific goals. Like I said before, our minds are like mechanisms or machines and like a machine, it reroutes itself once it finds an error, as well as stores the error in it’s memory in order to know what not to do next time. If there is no error it will keep moving forward towards it’s specific goal. Our minds work the same.

Start by creative mental picturing, or imaging. Sit there every day and vividly picture what it is you are trying to get. Imagine yourself pursuing the steps to get there, see yourself with the goal accomplished and what you would do, how you would feel, how your life would change.

For example, there is a book called psycho-cybernetics and in it there is a case study of a woman who mental pictured her dream home, until she made her dream a reality. She was in debt, had no hopes of bringing in any large sum of money any time soon, working a low income job, and her husband the same. She spent everyday for months mentally imagining the house, down to the curtain colors, the couches, cupboard details, and outside decor. She imagined her and her husband inside the house, making it theirs and starting a new life there. She seen them playing board games in the living room or making meals in the kitchen together. She kept telling herself it was hers and soon she would acquire it. Gradually her mind guided her towards the goal, helping her to find the right steps in order to get there. Everything seemed to go right and fit right into place for her, until made reached her goal.

It’s not as if you can just imagine it and one day wake up and get it, but once you set a specific goal in mind, your servo-mechanism will do nothing but help you get to this goal as long as the settings of your mechanism are positive. You just have to put in the effort, believe in the process and dont give up. That’s the biggest thing, people give up because they aren’t seeing any results but that’s the difference between people who make it and people who don’t.

Keep your goals in mind daily, and create some sort of encouraging list or just a simple saying that you can repeat on the daily. Most importantly, keep picturing yourself once you have accomplished this goal, imagine that it is yours to take.

All the great genuis’ of the past who created amazing works of art, or invented things that we could not live without, all tapped into this power that we all have. They used their goal-striving mechanism inside of them to come to the successes they have. You, otoo, can do the same. It’s all about knowing you can.


There are two specific books that taught me certain principles that really have changed my life for the better. They taught me that, no matter the circumstance, or the situation, that absolutely anybody was capable of being extraordinary. We could all reach our full potentials if only we knew how to use our given gift to our advantage: the mind.

To learn absolutely everything you need to know about how you, too can achieve whatever you want, read these (books every person should have on their bookshelf anyway):

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded

Product Description

Cybernetics (loosely translated from the Greek): “a helmsman who steers his ship to port.” Psycho-Cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which means, “steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world, peace of mind.”

Since its first publication in 1960, Maltz’s landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and amplified to make Maltz’s message even more relevant for the contemporary reader.

“Before the mind can work efficiently, we must develop our perception of the outcomes we expect to reach. Maxwell Maltz calls this Psycho-Cybernetics; when the mind has a defined target it can focus and direct and refocus and redirect until it reaches its intended goal.” —Tony Robbins (from Unlimited Power)

Maltz was the first researcher and author to explain how the self-image (a term he popularized) has complete control over an individual’s ability to achieve (or fail to achieve) any goal. And he developed techniques for improving and managing self-image—visualization, mental rehearsal, relaxation—which have informed and inspired countless motivational gurus, sports psychologists, and self-help practitioners for more than fifty years.

The teachings of Psycho-Cybernetics are timeless because they are based on solid science and provide a prescription for thinking and acting that lead to quantifiable results.

Metaphysics: New Dimensions of the Mind by Anthony Norvell

Meta-Physics New Dimensions of the Mind

This book shows you how to use the metaphysical miracle power of your mind to achieve any desired result in your life. It shows how you may use this power to magnetise and attract yourself to money, add strength, youth and vitality to your body, sway and convince others, and much more. It shows how you may use this power to literally command the secret forces of nature and cause them to bend to your will. – from rear cover

If you are interested in reading about a variety of different subjects such as mental health, inside the minds of disturbed artists, the importance of being an introvert, importance of body language and non-verbal communication, the importance of mental rehearsal and imagery, the power of our minds, mindfulness, metaphysics and the cosmic world and how all the great genius’ of the past have tapped into this power to achieve seeming miracles, addiction, abuse, the effects loneliness and so much more, please check out some of my other posts: